Create a movie poster of your own design. It can be a new take on an existing movie, an invented sequel, or a satire on an existing movie title. Be creative and realize your limitations in assets. You may not have high-quality photos to work with, so you might use an illustration or an object that is representative of the movie but not the main actor (example: Fight Club could be represented by a bar of soap, bloody knuckles, of furniture from IKEA). Think outside of the box. Think of these as teaser posters. We will not require you to include all the studio and production information that is at the bottom of a movie poster. You can choose to include that information if you want.
Look back at movie posters of the past as well as current designs for inspiration. Save all ideas and assets from this project as it may be used later in a project series.
Design Brief:
- Size: 27″x40″
- Color Mode: CMYK for Print
- Resolution: 300 dpi
- The poster must be a movie (No Video Games, TV shows, books, etc)
- Must include Title of the movie
- Must include at least 2 main actors names on the poster, it can be more
- Must include some type of tagline ( ex: Fight Club – I Want You To Hit Me As Hard As You Can)
- At least a 1″ margin around outside edge. This is what the frame that holds the posted in place would cover. Our designs can bleed off the page but important content needs to remain within the margins. I would suggest 1 margin 0f 1.5″
- Designed in Adobe InDesign with assets created in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The majority of assets for this poster could be created in Photoshop or Illustrator, but the they need to be pulled together into Adobe Indesign.
Part 1
- Sketch 10 concepts for posters
- Create 10 thumbnail sketches by-hand of ideas for poster concepts
- You can use pen and paper or a digital tablet
- These sketches are meant to quickly get ideas out there
- Thumbnail sketches are supposed to be simple but add as much detail as you can
- Thumbnail sketches should have sketch representations of your images, at least rough shapes
- You can use word callouts to give more detail and instruction
Part 2
- Choose 1 concept and create 2 rough drafts
- 2 rough drafts are what you will turn in. You may want to have more ideas and iterations. Then select the best or most promising designs.
Part 3
- Create your final design
- Remember this version is for print