5 Historical Typefaces

Design Brief

You will create a 5 page document. Each page is designated for 1 particular font. You will use the 5 basic typefaces available for download. You will have 3 paragraphs of the same text on each page. You will be changing the leading on the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. The purpose is to see how leading affect legibility.

Terms to Know:

Set solid: This means the linespacing (leading) is the same as the size of the type.

Create an InDesign Document

    • 5 pages (Each Typeface will get its own page)
    • 8.5″x11″
    • 1 column
    • non-facing pages
    • Margin set to .25″ on all sides
    • Set bleeds to 0″ on all sides (We are not using bleeds for this document)

Type Set Up


        • The title is the name of the Typeface ( Ex: Garamond, Baskerville, Bodoni, Century, Helvetica)
        • You will have 2 title lines
          • The 1st line is in Upper and Lower case
          • The 2nd line is in ALL CAPS
        • The title should be 72pt, set solid (72pt for the type size & 72pt for the linespacing)
        • Align the bounding boxes to the left, right & top margins
        • Align the text left

Body Copy

        • Use the paragraph that corresponds to the typeface you are using on that page
        • Copy the appropriate paragraph so that it appears 3 times
        • Hit the enter key after each paragraph to space the paragraphs
        • Make sure to turn off hyphenations for each paragraph
        • The type will be set to 11×20 aka 11 points x 20 picas (this is referred to as 11 by 20, it means your type is 11pt set solid and the column width is 20 picas)
        • Type alignment Justified Left (Justified with the last light aligned left)
        • Space the top of your paragraph an appropriate distance from the title
        • The 2nd paragraph will be set at 11/12 x 20
        • The 3rd paragraph will be set at 11/13 x 20

Your Name

        • Your First and Last name will be produced twice on each page
        • 1st Line in Sentence Case (Capitalize the first letter of each name and lower case the rest)
        • 2nd Line will be all Caps using the all caps tool
        • Use the same typeface as is used on the rest of the page
        • Choose a type size that works with the length of you name
        • Align the top of your name with the 1st paragraph 
        • Align your name text box with the right margin and set the alignment to Align Right

Saving and Turning In

    • Save your InDesign document as lastName-firstName-Ex-5-Classic-Typefaces
    • You are going to package the file after it has been saved
    • Save a High-resolution PDF into the packaged folder
    • Zip your packaged folder
    • Turn in the zipped file